
Unmatched prices for your 1 page website needs. Simple needs, simple solutions, reasonable pricing.

With Ads


₹100/mo (India only)

  • 1 website
  • Custom domain mapping
  • Free Templates
  • Free SSL
  • 100 MB storage
  • One 3rd party Ad on page
  • Daily backup (1-day)
  • Email support
  • 5 GB data transfer/month
Sign up for free

Without Ads


₹200/mo (India only)

  • 1 website
  • Custom domain mapping
  • Free templates or your design
  • Free SSL
  • 200 MB storage
  • No Ad on page
  • Daily backup (1-day)
  • Email support
  • 10 GB data transfer/month
Sign up for free

Design services


₹5000/site (India only)

  • 1 website based on pre-defined templates
  • Deployment support
  • SSL support
  • Copyright free image assets
  • 15 working days after receiving all instructions and content
  • 1 iteration
  • English only site
  • Email communication
Sign up for free
NOTE: Prices are excluding taxes. Taxes will be calculated during checkout

Competitor's plans*

Our offerings compared with other providers
PagePapa Godaddy Carrd Wix
Price ($/yr) $12.00 for With Ads plan $155.88 for Basic plan $9 for Pro-Light plan $192 for Light plan
No. of websites 1 1 3 1
Page builder

Build website pages on browser

Custom domain mapping

Users visit your website with an address like

SSL Certificate

For enabling https:// on your website


Storage space

Space you get to store your images, videos and other content for your website

100 MB 2 GB
Total egress

Total bytes being served (outgoing)

500 MB/mo

Save a copy of your website for quick restore

We automatically backup your data

($2.99/mo for this service)

(Included through Site History)

Customer support Business days, online tickets based, business hours 24/7

(Perhaps online ticket based)

* As on 26 Jan 2024
=Included , =Not included , =We are unsure